aqui estará toda la informacion sobre el dia de gaming.
Juego actualizado. Se programó en WC3 1.31
Preparar juego
Map initialization
Melee Game - Use melee time of day (for all players)
Set temploc = (Center of JugadorRojo <gen>)
Unit - Create 1 Mortar Team for Player 1 (Red) at temploc facing 90.00 degrees
Set Bombarderos[1] = (Last created unit)
Set temploc = (Center of JugadorAzul <gen>)
Unit - Create 1 Mortar Team for Player 2 (Blue) at temploc facing 270.00 degrees
Set Bombarderos[2] = (Last created unit)
Countdown Timer - Start Tempo as a One-shot timer that will expire in 5.00 seconds
Game - Display to (All players) the text: |cffffff00Bienvenid...
Set Regiones[1] = JugadorRojo <gen>
Set Regiones[2] = JugadorAzul <gen>
Set Bonus[1] = Rune of Lesser Healing
Set Bonus[2] = Rune of Speed
Iniciar partida
Time - Tempo expires
Visibility - Create an initially Enabled visibility modifier for Player 1 (Red) emitting Visibility across JugadorAzul <gen>
Visibility - Create an initially Enabled visibility modifier for Player 1 (Red) emitting Visibility across JugadorRojo <gen>
Visibility - Create an initially Enabled visibility modifier for Player 2 (Blue) emitting Visibility across JugadorRojo <gen>
Visibility - Create an initially Enabled visibility modifier for Player 2 (Blue) emitting Visibility across JugadorAzul <gen>
Selection - Select Bombarderos[1] for Player 1 (Red)
Selection - Select Bombarderos[2] for Player 2 (Blue)
Game - Display to (All players) the text: |cffff6400Que comie...
Countdown Timer - Start Tempo as a One-shot timer that will expire in 300.00 seconds
Countdown Timer - Create a timer window for Tempo with title Tiempo restante
Set Temporizador = (Last created timer window)
Countdown Timer - Show Temporizador for Player 1 (Red)
Countdown Timer - Show Temporizador for Player 2 (Blue)
Multiboard - Create a multiboard with 3 columns and 3 rows, titled Marcadores
Set Marcadores = (Last created multiboard)
Multiboard - Set the display style for Marcadores item in column 0, row 1 to Show text and Hide icons
Multiboard - Set the color for Marcadores item in column 0, row 1 to (100.00%, 80.00%, 20.00%) with 0.00% transparency
Multiboard - Set the width for Marcadores item in column 1, row 0 to 8.00% of the total screen width
Multiboard - Set the width for Marcadores item in column 2, row 0 to 5.00% of the total screen width
Multiboard - Set the text for Marcadores item in column 1, row 1 to Jugadores
Multiboard - Set the text for Marcadores item in column 2, row 1 to Vida
Multiboard - Set the text for Marcadores item in column 3, row 1 to Muertes
Multiboard - Set the icon for Marcadores item in column 1, row 0 to ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtons\BTNMortarTeam.blp
Multiboard - Set the icon for Marcadores item in column 2, row 0 to ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtons\BTNStatUp.blp
Multiboard - Set the icon for Marcadores item in column 3, row 0 to ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtons\BTNClusterRockets.blp
Multiboard - Set the text for Marcadores item in column 1, row 2 to (|c00FF0303 + ((Name of (Owner of Bombarderos[1])) + |r))
Multiboard - Set the text for Marcadores item in column 1, row 3 to (|c000042FF + ((Name of (Owner of Bombarderos[2])) + |r))
Multiboard - Set the text for Marcadores item in column 3, row 2 to 0
Multiboard - Set the text for Marcadores item in column 3, row 3 to 0
Multiboard - Show Marcadores
Multiboard - Maximize Marcadores
Trigger - Turn on bonus aleatorios <gen>
Trigger - Turn on Terminar juego <gen>
Trigger - Turn off (This trigger)
Player Group - Pick every player in (All players controlled by a Computer player) and do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
Set JugadorAI = (Player number of (Picked player))
Trigger - Turn on Ver condiciones <gen>
Verificacion periodica
Time - Every 0.10 seconds of game time
Camera - Apply CamaraArribaRojo <gen> for Player 1 (Red) over 0.00 seconds
Camera - Apply CamaraArribaAzul <gen> for Player 2 (Blue) over 0.00 seconds
For each (Integer A) from 1 to 2, do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
Multiboard - Set the text for Marcadores item in column 2, row ((Integer A) + 1) to (String((Integer((Life of Bombarderos[(Integer A)])))))
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
(Bombarderos[(Integer A)] is dead) Equal to True
Then - Actions
Set temploc = (Random point in Regiones[(Integer A)])
Unit - Create 1 Mortar Team for (Player((Integer A))) at temploc facing Default building facing degrees
Set Bombarderos[(Integer A)] = (Last created unit)
Selection - Select Bombarderos[(Integer A)] for (Player((Integer A)))
Special Effect - Create a special effect attached to the overhead of Bombarderos[(Integer A)] using Abilities\Spells\Human\HolyBolt\HolyBoltSpecialArt.mdl
Special Effect - Destroy (Last created special effect)
Else - Actions
Bombardero muere
Unit - A unit Dies
Or - Any (Conditions) are true
(Dying unit) Equal to Bombarderos[1]
(Dying unit) Equal to Bombarderos[2]
If ((Killing unit) Equal to Bombarderos[1]) then do (Set Indice = 1) else do (Set Indice = 2)
Set Muertes[Indice] = (Muertes[Indice] + 1)
Multiboard - Set the text for Marcadores item in column 3, row (Indice + 1) to (String(Muertes[Indice]))
Sound - Play HeroMountainKingWarcry1 <gen> at 100.00% volume, located at (Center of (Entire map)) with Z offset 0.00
bonus aleatorios
Time - Every (Random real number between 5.00 and 10.00) seconds of game time
Item - Pick every item in (Playable map area) and do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
Item - Remove (Picked item)
Set temploc = (Random point in Regiones[1])
Item - Create Bonus[(Random integer number between 1 and 2)] at temploc
Set temploc = (Random point in Regiones[2])
Item - Create Bonus[(Random integer number between 1 and 2)] at temploc
If ((Item-type of (Last created item)) Equal to Rune of Lesser Healing) then do (Set ItemSalud = (Last created item)) else do (Do nothing)
If ((Item-type of (Last created item)) Equal to Rune of Speed) then do (Set ItemVelo = (Last created item)) else do (Do nothing)
Terminar juego
Time - Tempo expires
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
Muertes[1] Equal to Muertes[2]
Then - Actions
Game - Display to (All players) the text: |cffffff00Hubo empa...
Else - Actions
Game - Display to (All players) the text: |cffffff00Un jugado...
Game - Victory Player 1 (Red) (Show dialogs, Show scores)
Game - Victory Player 2 (Blue) (Show dialogs, Show scores)
Ver condiciones
Time - Every 0.50 seconds of game time
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
And - All (Conditions) are true
(Percentage life of Bombarderos[JugadorAI]) Less than 55.00
ItemSalud Not equal to No item
Then - Actions
Unit - Order Bombarderos[JugadorAI] to Right-Click ItemSalud
Else - Actions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
And - All (Conditions) are true
(Percentage life of Bombarderos[JugadorAI]) Greater than or equal to 55.00
(Bombarderos[JugadorAI] has buff Speed Bonus) Equal to False
ItemVelo Not equal to No item
Then - Actions
Unit - Order Bombarderos[JugadorAI] to Right-Click ItemVelo
Else - Actions
If ((Bombarderos[JugadorAI] is alive) Equal to True) then do (If (JugadorAI Equal to 1) then do (Unit - Order Bombarderos[1] to Attack Bombarderos[2]) else do (Unit - Order Bombarderos[2] to Attack Bombarderos[1])) else do (Set Bombarderos[JugadorAI] = (Random unit from (Units in Regiones[JugadorAI] owned by (Player(JugadorAI)))))
Multiboard - Set the text for Marcadores item in column 1, row (JugadorAI + 1) to (String((Current order of Bombarderos[JugadorAI])))
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